“世界上沒有笨的人,只有不勤奮的人”這句話是我們的語文董老師經常對我們說的一句口頭禪,告訴我們要勤奮學習,要珍惜時間,要樂于助人,做一個對社會有用的人。 以下是小編為大家搜索整理的大學英語六級閱讀真題及答案,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!
26.G hypotheses 假設
27. C convincing 令人信服的
28. A arena 舞臺
29.B contextual
30.I incorporate 合并
填動詞原形,to support… and to incorporate knowledges into…,incorporate into動詞固定搭配。“把知識融入我們的公共交流中”
31.D devoted 奉獻
填動詞過去式。devote to固定搭配。“把17%的花費投入到研究和發展中”。
32.N reaping 獲得
填現在分詞。reaping decades of economic growth,“獲得幾十年的經濟增長”。
33.E digits 位數
填名詞。single digits個位數。“這個數字下降到個位數”。
34.M pride
填動詞原形。pride一詞多性,這里考察動詞用法:pride oneself on sth,以某人為自豪。“我們不僅以研究為自豪,也為對世界的進步做出的貢獻而自豪”。
35. F hasten
36. D. 題干講消費者擔心智能家居產品兼容性。D段有舉例,并提到 there are so many compatibility issues to think about.
37. K. 只有這段提到。
38. B. 題干講既沒有下降也沒有像過去一樣快速增長,B段有:But now these segments are looking at slower growth curves-or shrinking markets in some cases…
39. L. 題干講某研究員建議新產品的優缺點都要接受,L段有:Curren, the Accenture analyst, said… We have to understand and think about the implications, and balance these great innovations with the potential downside they naturally carry with them.
40. F. 題干講更關注實用價值而不是炫酷,F段有:we are starting to see companies shift from what is… into what all of these devices do that is practical in a consumer’s life.
41. A 題干講越來越沒有啥新玩意兒,A段有:Many of the collest gadgets this year are the same as the coolest gadgets last year-or the year befoere,even.
42. H. 題干講消費者越來越不愿意提供個人信息去定制產品和服務,H段有:it seems that consumers are growing more uneasy about handing over the massive amounts of consumer data needed to provide the personalized, customized solutions that companies need to improve their services.
43. E. 題干講CTA是CES段發起者,E段有:DuBravac works for CTA-which puts on the show each year-…
46. A it is unfair to those climate-venerable nations.
細節題,題目定位詞除了Paris climate agreement之外還有一個重點定位詞critical,問作者為什么對此協議是批判態度,在文中并不是很明確找到。第一段交代這項協議的具體時間內容等,第二段才談到作者的批判態度。即we reveal just how deep this injustice runs,作者認為這是不公的,this injustice指代前兩句,遭遇氣候傷害的國家(少數4%國家)卻承擔一大半全球溫室氣體排放的責任,這是不公的。injustice=unfair
47.C They hardly pay anything for the problem they have caused
細節題。定位詞“free-riders”,這個詞在第三段,冒號后解釋說,通過大量溫室氣體排造成嚴重問題,同時卻不用承擔氣候變化的代價。In other words后面的句子也在解釋同一件事情。原文出現cost和problem 在正確答案中以pay和problem復現。
48.C They have to bear consequences they are not responsible for
細節題,定位詞“forced-riders”和second-hand smokers,定位在第四段,who are suffering from climate impacts despite having scarcely contributed to the problem.這些forced-riders沒有助長全球變暖這個問題但卻要承擔氣候問題的不良后果。答案為近義詞替換:bear consequences=suffer from impacts,be not responsible for=scarcely contribute to
49.B There is no final agreement on where it will come from
細節題,定位詞“100 billion”,定位到第7段,該段出現核心考點“however”,說明整個段落對這筆資金的使用是轉折后的評價,即負評價。答案應該選擇B或C兩個包含負評價的詞之一(均出現no)。其中B There is no final agreement on where it will come from是對應轉折后面的兩個不足中的第二個不足,即對There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or importantly who is responsible for their provision的同義改寫,即協議中對誰提供資金及誰承擔募集資金的責任沒有做明確說明,探討資金來源而非資金花費的方式。
50. D putting in effect the policies in the agreement at once
細節題,定位詞urgent action 對應第8段(倒數第二段),there must urgently be a meaningful mobilization of the policies outlined in the agreement即動用協定中擬定的政策,近義詞替換put in effect(生效)=mobilization(動用),及原詞復現。
passage 2
51.C Teenagers’ mental problems are often too conspicuous not to be observed.
句子理解題。考查句子意思與上下文相同或相反,此處上下文無轉折詞,應讀下一句話:Their risky behaviors can alert parents and teachers that serious problems are brewing.其意思是青少年的一些危險舉動—喝酒吸毒等—能警告父母老師大事不妙了。對應答案青少年的心理問題是非常顯而易見得觀察到的。serious problems指心理問題,conspicuous behaviors指破折號中的危險舉動的概括改寫。
52. D Many hitherto unobserved youngsters may have psychological problems
細節題。對應第二段轉折but a new study:有一些青少年(睡眠不足不愛活動等行為)可能會有著同樣的得精神疾病(psychiatric symptoms)的危險,正確答案對此處是概括型改寫,那些行為對應著unobserved youngsters,也與上文的易觀察的`行為有著轉折關系,psychological problems對應psychiatric symptoms。
53. B Their behaviors do not constitute a warning signal.
細節題,定位詞invisible risk,對應第三段,直接給出原因句:because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag. 同義替換warning signal=red flag
54.A They are almost as liable to depression as the high-risk group
細節題,順序原則+定位詞invisible group,至定位句but the invisible group wasn’t far behind the high-risk set,with more than 13%of them exhibiting depression. 定位即答案,兩句話均表示,這一群體和高危青少年群體在表現抑郁癥的比例上幾乎不相上下。
55. B it provides new early-warning signals for identifying teens in trouble.
細節題,Carli和significance 對應最后一段it provides new early-warning signs for parents teachers and mental healthcare providers.
Eye Language
Just back from a tour of several Arabian Gulf countries, a woman recalls how jumpy she felt talking to men there. "Not because of what they said," she explains, "but what they did with their eyes." Instead of the occasional blink, Arabs lowered their lids so slowly and languorously that she was convinced they were falling asleep. In Japan eye contact is a key to the way you feel about someone. And the less of it,the better. What a Westerner considers an honest look in the eye, the Oriental takes as a lack of respect and a personal affront. Even when shaking hands or bowing — and especially when conversing — only an occasional glance into the other person"s face is considered polite. The rest of the time, great attention should be paid to fingertips, desktops, and the warp and woof of the carpet. "Always keep your shoes shined in Tokyo," advises an electronics representative who has spent several days there. "You can bet a lot of Japanese you meet will have their eyes on them."
I. Do you understand the meaning of the following sentences relating to eye and could you explain them in your own words ?
1. His eye s are bigger than his stomach.
2. He"s got a black eye .
3. Mary spent the whole evening making eyes at other men.
4. The trip to Australia was quite an eye-opener.
5. My wife and I don"t see eye to eye on this matter.
6. She is always the apple of her father"s eye .
Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:
1. The discovery of the murder weapon provided the key the mystery.
2. Please keep an eye the baby for me.
3. Can you look me the eye and say you didn"t steal it?
4. For a moment her words didn"t sink .
1. He is too greedy in asking for or taking more food than he can eat.
2. He"s been beaten by somebody and there is a dark bruised skin around his eye.
3. Mary spent the whole evening looking at other men amorously and seductively.
4. The trip to Australia was very enlightening and brought some surprises to me.
5. I don"t agree with my wife on this matter.
6. She is loved much by his father.
Ⅱ. 1. to 2. on 3 . in 4 . in
從波斯灣的幾個國家旅行回來后, 一位女士回想起她同當地男子談話時忐忑不安的情景。“不是他們說話的內容,”她解釋說,“ 而是他們說話時的眼神讓我緊張不安。”阿拉伯人不是偶爾眨一下眼睛,而是緩慢而倦怠地垂下眼瞼,這使她誤以為這些阿拉伯人就要睡著了。
在日本,眼神的接觸是你了解別人的關鍵所在。眼神接觸越少越好。西方人認為看著別人的眼睛是一種誠實的表現,而東方人則將盯視對方看作是不尊敬別人,是對他人的一種冒犯。實際上,在握手或鞠躬的時候,尤其是在兩人交談的時候,偶爾朝對方的臉上掃一眼才是禮貌的舉動。其他時候,談話人則應把注意力集中在指尖、桌面以及地毯表面的紋理上。“ 在東京,記住一定要讓你的皮鞋保持光亮可鑒。”一位已經在那里呆了幾天的電子產品代理人提出忠告,“ 我敢說許多你遇到的日本人都會對你的鞋盯上幾眼的。”
眼睛被譽為“心靈的窗戶”, 它傳達著無聲的語言, 具有反映深層心理的功能。眼神的交流是人們一個非常重要的交際手段。西方文化中有這樣一句話———不要相信那些不敢直視你的人。在美國人看來, 不直視對方眼睛是不誠實、虛偽、心不在焉的表現; 而在東方人看來, 避免直視對方則是為了表示禮貌、尊敬或服從。因為文化不同而造成誤解是在所難免的, 化解尷尬、成功交際的唯一辦法是設法了解彼此間的文化差異和風俗習慣。
1. 阿拉伯灣, 也稱為Persian Gulf ( 波斯灣) , 是印度洋的一個邊緣海, 位于伊朗高原與阿拉伯半島之間。
2. languorously adv. 倦怠地, 無精打采地。該詞的名詞形式是languor ( 倦怠, 慵困) , 動詞形式是languish, 如: His vigilance never languished. ( 他的警覺從未松懈過。)
3. 眼神接觸越少越好。這種結構相當于漢語中的“ 越越”, 表示兩個過程按比例同時遞增。better 后面省略了it is, 因為這種結構往往有省略。例如: The sooner, the better.( 越早越好。)
4. 東方人, 尤指中國人和日本人。與該詞相對應的是the Occidental ( 西方人, 歐美人) 。
5. take . . . as 視為, 把理解為, 如: She took what he said as a compliment. ( 她把他的002 話看作是恭維話。)
6. conversing 是converse 的動名詞形式, 意為“ 談話, 交談”。其名詞形式是conversation。例如: Although they were strangers, they conversed with ease. ( 他們雖然互不相識, 卻談得很自在融洽。)
7. warp n. ( 織物的) 經線; woof n. ( 織物的) 緯線; the warp and the woof of the carpet 指“ 地毯表面的紋理”。the warp and woof of sth. 還可以引申為“ 某事物的基礎或結構”。
8. have one"s eyes on 密切注意, 注視, 如: Businessmen always have their eyes on the new trade opportunities. ( 商人們總在關注著新的貿易機會。)
Sleeping Position Reveals Personality Traits
Whether it"s curled up in the fetal position , flat on the stomach or stretched out across the bed, the way people sleep reveals their personality, a British sleep expert said. The expert has identified six common sleeping positions and what they mean. "We are all aware of our body language when we are awake but this is the first time we have been able to see what our subconscious says about us, " he said. Crouched in the fetal position is the most popular sleep pattern and favored by 51 percent of women, according to the results of the study he conducted for a large hotel group. Fetal sleepers tend to be shy and sensitive while people who assume the soldier position, flat on their back with arms at their sides, are quiet and reserved. Sleeping on one"s side with legs outstretched and arms down in what he refers to as the log, indicates a social, easygoing personality. But if the arms are outstretched in the yearning position, the person tends to be more suspicious. The free fall, flat on the tummy with the hands at the sides of the head, is the most unusual position. Only 6.5 percent of people prefer it and they are usually brash and gregarious. Unassuming, good listeners usually adopt the starfish position — on the back with outstretched arms and legs.The expert, who identified the positions by comparing personality traits of people.
Ⅰ. There a re some adjectives describing people"s persona lity in the a rticle and please match them with phrases : brash, unassuming, reserved, easygoing, suspicious, gregarious
1. relaxed in manner and easy to deal with———
2. preferring to be with others rather than alone———
3. thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest, without being sure ———
4. confident in a rude or aggressive way———
5. showing no desire to be noticed or given special treatment———
6. quiet and unwilling to express your emotions or talk about your problems———
Ⅱ. Answer the following question:
How many sleeping positions have the expert identified and what are they?
Ⅰ. 1. easygoing 2 . gregarious 3. suspicious 4 . brash 5 . unassuming 6. reserved
Ⅱ. There are six positions, they are fetal position, soldier position, log position, yearning position, free fall position and starfish position.
一 位英國睡眠專家曾說過: 無論你是像胎兒一樣蜷縮著睡覺, 或是趴在床上睡, 還是四肢伸開平躺著睡, 睡覺的姿勢揭示了你的性格。該專家歸納了六種常見睡覺姿勢, 以及這些姿勢的含義。“ 醒著的時候, 我們都知道自己的肢體語言, 但這是我們第一次知道自己的潛意識在說些什么, ”他說。他對一家大型酒店集團所做的研究結果表明: 像胎兒一樣蜷縮著睡覺是最流行的睡覺姿勢, 有51% 的婦女喜歡這種姿勢。采用胎兒式睡姿的人往往比較害羞, 也很敏感; 而采用仰臥、雙臂放在身體兩側的士兵式睡姿的人則比較安靜, 也不愿說話。側臥、兩腿伸直、雙臂自然下垂的睡姿稱為原木式睡姿。采用這種睡姿的人喜歡社交活動, 容易相處。但是如果雙臂伸出, 呈渴望狀, 這種人往往比較多疑。自由式, 即俯臥, 雙手放在頭的兩側, 這是最特別的睡姿。只有6.5% 的人喜歡這樣睡, 他們通常性情急躁, 愛社交。謙虛忠實的聽眾通常選擇仰臥且四肢伸展的海星式睡姿。該專家通過比較人物性格特征、他們喜歡的睡姿和最常見的睡姿歸納出以上這些睡姿。他說人們一旦采用了某種睡姿就很難再改變。
如今, 很多年輕人談戀愛的時候, 總想知道對方的性格到底如何, 以檢驗與自己是否般配。對此, 不同的人有不同的方法, 有的人算姓名筆畫和生辰八字, 有的看星座、生肖和血型, 其實我們也不妨留意一下對方的睡姿。“江山易改, 睡姿難移”, 大多數人一生中不大可能改變睡眠姿勢, 因而睡姿也給我們提供了一個了解自己和他人的很好方式。
1. 意識理論。他把人類的心理結構分為三層, 即意識( conscious) 、前意識( preconscious)和無意識( 即潛意識) 。他認為意識處于大腦表層, 是一個人所直接感知到的內容; 前意識主要是在意識與無意識之間起警戒作用, 阻止無意識的本能欲望進入意識之中; 無意識處于大腦底層, 毫無理性, 是決定人的行為和愿望的內在動力。
2. 這里的once 不是“ 一次”或“ 曾經”的意思, 不是副詞, 而是連詞, 意為“ 一旦, 一就”, 如: Once printed, this dictionary will be very popular! ( 一旦出版, 這本詞典將會非常暢銷! )