flashlight 手電筒
fluorescent lamp 日光燈
electric calculator 計算器
tube 真空管
electric fan 電風扇
dictaphone, dictating machine 錄音機
tape recorder 磁帶
television 電視機
electric iron 電熨斗
electric foot warmer 暖腳器
electric shaver 電動剃須刀
tap 電線搭接處
electric heater 電暖氣
electric vacuum cleaner 吸塵器
bulb 電燈泡
electronic oven 電烤箱
radio 收音機
microphone 麥克風
refrigerator 冰箱
air conditioning 空調
microwave oven 微波爐
dry cell 干電池
electric cooker 電飯鍋
loud-speaker 擴音機
1. It is a furnished apartment with necessary home appliances.
2. It a furnished apartment with niece ary home a liances.
3. Finally, we extend the power management and measurement to electric home appliances.
最后, 我們延伸電源管理和測量到家庭電器設備.
4. A: Is lt a furnished apartment with necessary home appliances.
5. Products wanted: All kinds of home appliances, health products and plastic housewares.
需要貨品: 各種類別的家庭電器 、 保健用品及塑膠的`家庭用品.
6. A: It is apartment with necessary home appliances.
7. His house is replete with domestic appliances , like air - conditioner, washing machine, refrigerator, dish washer, etc.
他的房子家庭電器一應俱全:冷氣 、 衣機 、 箱 、 碗機等應有盡有.
8. The appliances include refrigerator micro - wave oven, dish - washer and are included in the price.
而所有家庭電器包括雪柜、微波爐 、 洗碗碟機都是隨樓附送.
9. The company was set up primarily as a trade company, selling kitchen and household appliances.
該公司成立之初為一家貿易商, 專售廚房和家庭電器用品.
10. Featured high quality houseware includes home appliances, utensils, household items and decoration.
搜羅各式新穎實用的家庭用品,包括電器 、 廚具 、 居室用品及裝飾等等.
11. Home appliance furniture is all ready, carry a bag to be entered.
家庭用電器家俱完美齊全, 拎包進住.
12. Furniture home appliance is all ready, clothbound, character grace.
家俱家庭用電器完美齊全, 精美裝修, 品質優雅.
13. Qiqi and her family insisted that Qiqi had bought some electric equipment for the house.
14. Complete new clothes is repaired, deserve to have heating, furniture home appliance is all ready.
極新裝修, 配有暖氣, 家俱家庭用電器完美齊全.
15. Furniture of indoor home appliance is all ready and direct carrybag to be entered!