As far as I am concerned…… 在我看來
As far as I know…… 就我所知
As for me…… 至于我的觀點
From where I stand…… 從我的立場看
From my point of view 依我看
In my view…… 在我看來
As I see it…… 我認為
To my knowledge…… 就我所知
To my way of thinking…… 依我看
To my mind…… 我覺得
To be perfectly honest…… 老實說
To be quite frank…… 坦率地說
To tell you the truth…… 實說話
For my part…… 對我來說
In my opinion…… 我的看法是
Personally…… 我個人的觀點是
I maintain(that)…… 我認為
I hold the opinion(that)…… 我認為
Im of the opinion(that)…… 我的意見是
Im convinced(that)…… 我深信
I consider…… 我認為
Id like to point out(that)…… 我想指出
I feel I ought to say(that)…… 我覺得我應該說
I feel…… 我認為
Id like to say…… 我認為
I would say…… 我認為
I should say…… 我看來自
I think that…… 在我看來
My position on this problem is(that)…… 我對這個問題的態度是
My view on it is as follows…… 我的觀點如下
My view is that…… 我是這么看的
My point is…… 我的看法是
If you want my opinion…… 如果你想知道我的.觀點
Certainty Expressions 表達肯定
Im quite certain it is.我十分確信.
Im absolutely sure it is.我絕對相信.
Yes,it certainly is.是,它肯定是.
I dont see any problem.我看不出有什么問題.
Im a hundred percent sure.我百分之百相信.
Im absolutely positive.我絕對肯定.
You may be certain that the situation is in our favour.你能確定情況在我們的掌握之中.
Absolutely positive.絕對肯定.
Bet I will get it.打賭我一定會贏.
I bet.我肯定.
No doubt it is.毫無疑問.
Thats for sure.那是肯定的.
You can be sure.確信無疑.
I dont think I have any doubt about that.我對此沒有任何疑問.
I must say his honesty is beyond doubt.我必須說他的誠實不容懷疑.
I am quite convince..我十分相信.
Its definite hell win.他是必贏的.
There is no doubt about it.勿庸質疑.
Im not sure if it is.我拿不準.
Im not at all sure if it is.我根本拿不準.
Im not certain if it is.我拿不準.
I cant say for certain.我說不準.
Im not too sure of it.我不十分拿得準.
I should think I heard some noise from above.我好像聽到有人在上面出聲.
I suppose it could be two oclock at midnight.我猜那是在夜里2:00.
I think it was an American detective story or something like that.我想是一部美國偵探小說或類似(的書籍).
Hard to tell.It could be the name of a magazine.難說,可能是一本雜志名.
Could be.或許是.
Might be.可能是.
I couldnt say.我說不準.考試用書
I cant be sure.我說不準.
I cant decide.我說不準.
I really cant tell.我真的說不準.
Hard to tell.很難說.
I find it difficult to draw a conclusion on that.很難就此下結論.
I have a feeling that weve taken a wrong way, but I may not be corret.我感覺我們方法不對,但也許我弄錯了.
Im not at all convinced.我不完全確定.
Theres some doubt in my mind.我心有懷疑.